Shrinkage estimation is a highly valuable technique in the context of high-dimensional regression analysis. It allows for the estimation of regression models with more regressors than observations.
11.1 Mean squared error
The key measure of estimation accuracy is the mean squared error (MSE). The MSE of an estimator \widehat \theta for a parameter \theta is
mse(\widehat \theta) = E[(\widehat \theta - \theta)^2].
The MSE can be decomposed into the variance plus squared bias:
mse(\widehat \theta) = \underbrace{E[(\widehat \theta - E[\widehat \theta])^2]}_{= Var[\widehat \theta]} + \underbrace{(E[\widehat \theta] - \theta)^2}_{= bias(\widehat \theta)^2}
For instance, consider an i.i.d. sample X_1, \ldots, X_n with population mean E[X_i] = \mu and variance Var[X_i] = \sigma^2. Let’s study the sample mean \widehat \mu = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i as an estimator of \mu. You will find that
E[\widehat \mu] = \mu, \quad Var[\widehat \mu] = \frac{\sigma^2}{n}.
Proof. By the linearity of the expectation, we have
E[\widehat \mu] = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \underbrace{E[X_i]}_{\mu} = \mu.
The independence of X_1, \ldots, X_n implies
Var[\widehat \mu] = \frac{1}{n^2} Var\bigg[\sum_{i=1}^n X_i\bigg] = \frac{1}{n^2} \sum_{i=1}^n Var[X_i] = \frac{\sigma^2}{n}
The sample mean is unbiased for \mu, i.e., bias(\widehat \mu) = E[\widehat \mu] - \mu = 0. The MSE equals its variance:
mse(\widehat \mu) = \frac{\sigma^2}{n}.
The sample mean is the best unbiased estimator for the population mean in the MSE sense, but there exists estimators with a lower MSE if we allow for a small bias.
11.2 A simple shrinkage estimator
Let us shrink our sample mean a bit towards 0 and define the alternative estimator
\widetilde \mu = (1-w)\widehat \mu, \quad w \in [0,1].
Setting the shrinkage weight to w = 0 gives \widetilde \mu = \widehat \mu (no shrinkage) and w = 1 gives \widetilde \mu = 0 (full shrinkage). Our shrinkage estimator has the bias
bias(\widetilde \mu) = E[(1-w)\widehat \mu] - \mu = (1-w)\underbrace{E[\widehat \mu]}_{= \mu} - \mu = -w\mu.
The variance is
Var[\widetilde \mu] = Var[(1-w)\widehat \mu] = (1-w)^2Var[\widehat \mu] = (1-w)^2 \frac{\sigma^2}{n},
and the MSE is
mse(\widetilde \mu) = Var[\widetilde \mu] + bias(\widetilde \mu)^2 = (1-w)^2 \frac{\sigma^2}{n} + w^2 \mu^2.
The optimal weight in terms of the MSE is
w^* = \frac{1}{1+n\mu^2/\sigma^2}
Proof. We take the derivative of mse(\widetilde \mu) across w to obtain the first order condition:
-2(1-w)\sigma^2/n + 2w\mu^2 = 0.
Solving for w gives w(1+n\mu^2/\sigma^2) = 1. Then, w^* is the global minimum because the second derivative is 2\sigma^2/n+2\mu^2 > 0. \square
For instance, if \mu = 1, \sigma^2 = 1, and n=99, we have w^* = 0.01.
The shrinked sample mean
\widetilde \mu^* = (1-w^*) \widehat \mu = \frac{n \mu^2/\sigma^2}{1 + n \mu^2/\sigma^2} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i
has a lower MSE than the usual sample mean:
mse(\widetilde \mu^*) = (1-w^*)\frac{\sigma^2}{n} + w^2 \mu^2 < \frac{\sigma^2}{n} = mse(\widehat \mu)
This is a remarkable result because it tells us that the sample mean is not the best we can do to estimate a population mean. The shrinked estimator is more efficient. Is biased, but the biased vanishes asymptotically since \lim_{n\to \infty} w^* = 0.
The optimal shrinkage parameter w^* is infeasible because we do not know \mu^2/\sigma^2. It is not very useful for empirical practice, and taking sample means is still recommended.
However, the shrinkage principle can be very useful in the context of high-dimensional regression.
11.3 High-dimensional regression
Least squares regression works well when the number of regressors k is small relative to the number of observations n. In a previous section on “too many regressors”, we discussed how ordinary least squares (OLS) can overfit when k is too large compared to n. Specifically, if k=n, the OLS regression line perfectly fits the data.
Many economic applications involve categorical variables that are transformed into a large number of dummy variables. If we include pairwise interaction terms among J variables, we get another \sum_{i=1}^{J-1} i = J (J-1)/2 regressors (for example, 190 for J=20 and 4950 for J=100).
Accounting for further nonlinearities by adding squared and cubic terms or higher-order interactions can result in thousands or even millions of regressors. Many of these regressors may provide low informational value, but it is difficult to determine a priori which are relevant and which are irrelevant.
If k>n, the OLS estimator is not uniquely defined because \boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X does not have full rank. If k \approx n the matrix \boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X can be near singular, resulting in numerically unstable OLS coefficients or high variance.
For the vector-valued (k-variate) estimator \widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols} the (conditional) MSE is \begin{align*}
mse(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X)
&= E[(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols} - \boldsymbol \beta)'(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols} - \boldsymbol \beta)|\boldsymbol X] \\
&= Var[\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X] + bias(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X) \big(bias(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X)\big)',
\end{align*} where, under random sampling, OLS is unbiased: bias(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X) = E[\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X] - \boldsymbol \beta = \boldsymbol 0. Consequently, the MSE of OLS equals its variance:
mse(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X) = Var[\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X] = (\boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X)^{-1} \boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol D \boldsymbol X (\boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X)^{-1}.
11.4 Ridge Regression
To avoid that (\boldsymbol X'\boldsymbol X)^{-1} becomes very large or undefined for large k, we can introduce a shrinkage parameter \lambda and define the ridge regression estimator
\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge} = (\boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X + \lambda \boldsymbol I_k)^{-1} \boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol Y. \qquad \quad
This estimator is well defined and does not suffer from multicollinearity problems, even if k > n. The inverse (\boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X + \lambda \boldsymbol I_k)^{-1} exists as long as \lambda > 0. For \lambda = 0, the ridge estimator coincides with the OLS estimator.
While the OLS estimator is motivated from the minimization problem
\min_{\boldsymbol \beta} (\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta)'(\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta),
the ridge estimator is the minimizer of
\min_{\boldsymbol \beta} (\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta)'(\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta) + \lambda \boldsymbol \beta'\boldsymbol \beta. \qquad \quad
The minimization problem introduces a penalty for large values of \boldsymbol \beta. The solution is then shrunk towards zero by \lambda > 0.
11.5 Standardization
The regressors and dependent variables are typically standardized:
\widetilde X_{ij} = \frac{X_{ij} - \overline{\boldsymbol X}_j}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^n (X_{ij} - \overline{\boldsymbol X}_j)^2}}, \quad \overline{\boldsymbol X}_j = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_{ij}
It is common practice to standardize the regressors (and dependent variable) in ridge regression.
Without standardization, variables with larger scales (i.e., larger variances) will disproportionately influence the penalty term through \lambda \boldsymbol \beta'\boldsymbol \beta = \lambda \sum_{j=1}^n \beta_j^2. Variables with smaller variance may be under-penalized, while those with larger variance may be over-penalized.
Standardization ensures that each variable contributes equally to the penalty term, making the penalty independent of the scale of the variables.
Standardizing makes the coefficient estimates more interpretable, as they will all be on the same scale, which helps in understanding the relative importance of each variable.
11.6 Ridge Properties
The bias of the ridge estimator is
bias(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}|\boldsymbol X) = - \lambda (\boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X + \lambda \boldsymbol I_k)^{-1} \boldsymbol \beta,
and the covariance matrix is
Var[\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}|\boldsymbol X] = (\boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X + \lambda \boldsymbol I_k)^{-1} \boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol D \boldsymbol X (\boldsymbol X' \boldsymbol X + \lambda \boldsymbol I_k)^{-1}.
In the homoskedastic linear regression model, we have
mse(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}|\boldsymbol X) < mse(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ols}|\boldsymbol X)
if 0 < \lambda < 2 \sigma^2/\boldsymbol \beta'\boldsymbol \beta.
Similarly to the sample mean case, the upper bound 2 \sigma^2/\boldsymbol \beta'\boldsymbol \beta does not give practical guidance for selecting \lambda because \boldsymbol \beta and \sigma^2 are unknown.
11.7 Mean squared prediction error
The optimal value for \lambda minimizes the MSE, but estimating the MSE of the ridge estimator is not straightforward because it depends on the parameter \boldsymbol \beta being estimated. Instead, it is better to focus on the out-of-sample mean squared prediction error (MSPE).
Let (Y_1, \boldsymbol X_1), \ldots, (Y_n, \boldsymbol X_n) be our data set (in-sample observations) with ridge estimator Equation 11.1, and let (Y^{oos}, \boldsymbol X^{oos}) be another observation pair (out-of-sample observation) that is independently drawn from the same population as (Y_1, \boldsymbol X_1), \ldots, (Y_n, \boldsymbol X_n).
The mean squared prediction error (MSPE) is
MSPE(\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}) = E\big[(Y^{oos} - (\boldsymbol X^{oos})'\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge})^2\big].
Note that (Y^{oos}, \boldsymbol X^{oos}) is independent of \widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge} because it has not been used for estimation. \widehat Y(\boldsymbol X^{oos}) = (\boldsymbol X^{oos})'\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge} is the predicted value of Y^{oos}.
To estimate the MSPE, we can use a split sample.
We divide our observations randomly into a training sample (in-sample) of size n_{train} and a testing sample (out-of-sample) of size n_{test} with n = n_{train} + n_{test}:
(Y_1^{ins}, \boldsymbol X_1^{ins}), \ldots (Y_{n_{train}}^{ins}, \boldsymbol X_{n_{train}}^{ins}), \quad (Y_1^{oos}, \boldsymbol X_1^{oos}), \ldots (Y_{n_{test}}^{oos}, \boldsymbol X_{n_{test}}^{oos})
We estimate \boldsymbol \beta using the training sample:
\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}^{ins} = \bigg(\sum_{i=1}^{n_{train}} \boldsymbol X_i^{ins}(\boldsymbol X_i^{ins})' + \lambda \boldsymbol I_k\bigg)^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{train}} \boldsymbol X_i^{ins} Y_i^{ins}.
We evaluate the empirical MSPE using the testing sample,
\widehat{MSPE}_{split} = \frac{1}{n_{test}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{test}} \Big(Y_i^{oos} - \big(\boldsymbol X_i^{oos}\big)'\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}^{ins}\Big)^2 \qquad \quad
Steps 2 and 3 are repeated for different values for \lambda. We select the value for \lambda that gives the smallest estimated MSPE.
11.8 Cross validation
A problem with the split sample estimator is that it highly depends on the choice of the two subsamples. An alternative is to select m subsamples (folds) and evaluate the MSPE using each fold separately:
m-fold cross validation
Divide the sample into j=1, \ldots, m randomly chosen folds/subsamples of approximately equal size: \begin{align*}
&(Y_1^{(1)}, \boldsymbol X_1^{(1)}), \ldots, (Y^{(1)}_{n_1}, \boldsymbol X^{(1)}_{n_1}) \\
&(Y_1^{(2)}, \boldsymbol X_1^{(2)}), \ldots, (Y^{(2)}_{n_2}, \boldsymbol X^{(2)}_{n_2}) \\
& \qquad \vdots \\
&(Y_1^{(m)}, \boldsymbol X_1^{(m)}), \ldots, (Y^{(m)}_{n_m}, \boldsymbol X^{(m)}_{n_m})
Select j \in \{1, \ldots, m\} as left-out test sample and use the other subsamples to compute the ridge estimator \widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}^{(-j)}, where the j-th fold is not used.
Compute Equation 11.3 using the j-th folds as a test sample, i.e.,
\widehat{MSPE}_{j} = \frac{1}{n_{j}} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{j}} \Big(Y_i^{(j)} - \big(\boldsymbol X_i^{(j)}\big)'\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge}^{(-j)}\Big)^2
The m-fold cross validation estimator is the weighted average over the m subsample estimates of the MSPE:
\widehat{MSPE}_{mfold} = \sum_{j=1}^m \frac{n_j}{n} \widehat{MSPE}_{j},
where n = \sum_{j=1}^m n_j is the total number of observations.
Repeat these steps over a grid of tuning parameters for \lambda, and select the value for \lambda that minimizes \widehat{MSPE}_{mfold}.
Common values for m are m=5 and m=10. The larger m, the less biased the estimation of the MSPE is, but also the more computationally expensive the cross validation becomes.
The largest possible value for m is m=n, where each observation represents a fold. This is also known as leave-one-out cross validation (LOOVC). LOOVC might be useful for small datasets but is often infeasible for large dataset because of the large computation time.
11.9 L2 Regularization: Ridge
The \ell_p-norm of a vector \boldsymbol a = (a_1, \ldots, a_k)' is defined as
\|\boldsymbol a\|_p = \bigg( \sum_{j=1}^k |a_j|^p \bigg)^{1/p}.
Important special cases are the \ell_1-norm and \ell_2-norm:
\|\boldsymbol a\|_1 = \sum_{j=1}^k |a_j|, \quad \|\boldsymbol a\|_2 = \bigg(\sum_{j=1}^k a_j^2\bigg)^{1/2} = \sqrt{\boldsymbol a' \boldsymbol a}.
The \ell_1-norm is the sum of absolute values, and the \ell_2-norm, also known as the Euclidean norm, represents the length of the vector in the Euclidean space.
Ridge regression is also called L2 regularization because it penalizes the sum of squared errors by the squared \ell_2-norm of the coefficient vector, \|\boldsymbol \beta\|_2^2 = \boldsymbol \beta' \boldsymbol\beta. Ridge is the solution to the minimization problem Equation 11.2, which can be written as
\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{ridge} = \argmin_{\boldsymbol \beta} (\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta)'(\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta) + \lambda \|\boldsymbol \beta\|_2^2.
11.10 L1 Regularization: Lasso
An alternative approach is L1 regularization, also known as lasso. The lasso estimator is defined as
\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{lasso} = \argmin_{\boldsymbol \beta} (\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta)'(\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta) + \lambda \|\boldsymbol \beta\|_1,
where \|\boldsymbol \beta\|_1 = \sum_{j=1}^k |\beta_j|.
The elastic net estimator is a hybrid method. It combines L1 and L2 regularization using a weight 0 \leq \alpha \leq 1:
\widehat{\boldsymbol \beta}_{net,\alpha} = \argmin_{\boldsymbol \beta} (\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta)'(\boldsymbol Y-\boldsymbol X \boldsymbol \beta) + \lambda \big( \alpha \|\boldsymbol \beta\|_1 + (1-\alpha) \|\boldsymbol \beta\|_2^2 \big).
This includes ridge (\alpha = 0) and lasso (\alpha = 1) as special cases.
Ridge has a closed form solution given by Equation 11.1. Lasso and elastic net with \alpha > 0 require numerical solutions by means of quadratic programming. The solution typically involves some zero coefficients.
11.11 Implementation in R
Let’s consider the mtcars dataset, which is available in base R. Have a look at ?mtcars to see the data description. We estimate a ridge regression model to predict the variable mpg (miles per gallon) using the other variables. We consider the values \lambda = 0.5 and \lambda = 2.5.
Ridge, lasso, and elastic net are implemented in the glmnet package. The glmnet() function requires matrix-valued data as input. The model.matrix() command is useful because it produces the regressor matrix \boldsymbol X and converts categorical variables into dummy variables.
10 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
cyl -0.250698757
disp -0.001893223
hp -0.013079878
drat 0.978514241
wt -1.902328296
qsec 0.316107066
vs 0.472551434
am 2.113922488
gear 0.631836101
carb -0.661215998
10 x 1 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
cyl -0.368541841
disp -0.005184086
hp -0.011710951
drat 1.052837310
wt -1.264016952
qsec 0.164790158
vs 0.755205256
am 1.655241565
gear 0.546732963
carb -0.560023425
You can use the command coef(fit.ridge1) to also display the intercept. By default, the regressors are standardized. You can turn off this setting by using the argument standardize = FALSE. The \ell_2 norm of the coefficients is small for larger values of \lambda:
We can use ridge and lasso to estimate linear models with more variables than observations. The command ^2 includes all pairwise interaction terms, which produces 55 variables in total. The dataset has n=32 observations.
X.large=model.matrix(mpg~.^2, data =mtcars)[,-1]dim(X.large)